Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Party Season Primer

For some, December means the end of football season and/or the beginning of basketball season. For everyone, however, it is the party season! If you are like me, then you have already attended a few holiday events. To use a sports metaphor, the real season begins this weekend and runs through January 3, 2010.

So for those of you that are “party hard” types, I have done some research and identified some items to help guide you through this short, yet intense season.

Filter that alcohol to eliminate as many toxins as possible. This helps your liver-the body’s filter. Finally there is a practical use for that Brita filter setting in the cabinet. Just run your vodka, gin, etc. through the filter a few times and you can reduce the amount of toxins entering your body.

Like all good athletes, you want to hydrate properly. Alcohol dehydrates the body. It also depletes trace elements. So start getting in game condition by grabbing that gallon of Gatorade and chugging.

No athlete performs their best when they are tired. Get a good nights rest before the event. A quick nap may also come in handy if the event is a marathon.

And of course, let’s not forget the pregame meal. All athletes have their favorite pregame meal. Marathoners are famous for “carbing up” before the race. Football players prefer something more long term. Personally, I have found a burger provides a good foundation in my tummy for the night.

A post game drink (next morning), may not be the answer. Of course, it will deaden the pain so this is possible option.

Firing up the coffee pot and drowning yourself in coffee also may not be the best path. Coffee is simply going to wake you up so you can feel that head pounding. Actually, coffee is a diuretic. Diuretics are used in weight loss programs. They flush your system, dehydrating the body. In effect, they do the same thing that alcohol does. More coffee may not be the answer.

My research indicates that the big, greasy jalapeƱo cheeseburger and fries isn’t a good choice. This one really bums me out because I have used this method on a number of occasions. Sadly, I can’t remember if it worked. At any rate, researchers say that fatty, hard to digest foods take the body away from its main job which is ridding the body of alcohol toxins.

Instead, this year I am going to try eggs, bananas, water (lots), and orange juice. Apparently these foods are rich in the nutrients and trace elements that alcohol destroys. I am not sure how all of this will taste together, but I can do a breakfast taco with no meat and wash it down with OJ.

Once you stabilize your tummy, a regimen of vitamins is always good for the long haul. This is important because, like any highly trained professional, you need to get ready for the next game.

Have a wonderful holiday season. Put Yellow Cab on your speed dial. Focus on what you have. It really is a wonderful life....especially when you have family and friends to celebrate with.

Steve Cook, CPA, is the managing shareholder of Cook and Associates, PLLC- certified public accountants. The firm has offices in San Antonio and San Marcos, Texas.

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